We have been learning about Winter!
This week we were blessed with some lovely frosty mornings which went perfectly with our learning about Winter. The children have been asking lots about penguins following a story on snowy animals so we also had some child led learning on Penguins. We read some fiction and non fiction books…
Category: Reception
Ordnance Survey Study
We looked at the features of the ordnance survey map and studied a part of the map from our local area. The children were brilliant at finding places they know.
Category: Year 3K
Class Liturgy
Thanks to Meadow and Emmanuel for doing a beautiful liturgy for our class this afternoon all about our Earth. They attended a liturgy workshop this morning and will be supporting other children in planning their own liturgies. Looking forward to seeing what great liturgies you carry out going…
Category: Year 4/5D
Child -led liturgy
Today’s focus was creation and our lovely world
Historians at work ,artefact enquiry !
Class Liturgy
Grace, Kleo, Taylon and Lily did a beautiful class liturgy today.
Category: Year 4Mc
What is it? - Investigating Stone Age Artefacts
Category: Year 4Mc
Starting our story of migration to Britain
We are ALREADY loving our new ‘The story of migration to Britain’ topic.
We have been identifying some of the key moments in British migration history.
We realised we knew many migration key moments from studying our previous history topics throughout school. So using this and our knowledge…
Category: Year 6J
Science - testing objects to see of they’re opaque, transparent or translucent
Category: Year 5M
Music in Year 5
Category: Year 5M
Category: Year 5M