Creating our own graffiti tags!
In art today, the children created their own graffiti tags, also known as 'throwies'. They were inspired by the work of famous yet unknown street artist, Banksy!
Category: Year 4/5D
The Magic Bed
Today we read the story ‘The Magic Bed’, we loved using our imaginations to talk about where we would go in the magic bed!
Category: Reception
Category: Year 4Mc
Spanish Mimes
Category: Year 6J
Guided Reading
We are doing so well independently reading in our Guided Reading sessions.
Category: Reception
Sharing out the Dough
Every Monday we follow a recipe to make our own Dough. We like to add a variety of scents and textures. This week we added Rosemary. We are now learning how to share the dough out equally. This morning Mason did brilliantly cutting the dough into quarters!
Category: Reception
Nursery News 24.1.22
Here is this weeks Nursery News.
Category: Nursery
Pattern Making
We can see patterns every where. You start with one circle (the table) , and then you find another (the dough container) and your ideas just develop from there!
Category: Nursery
P.E. - Hoops and Balls!
The children really enjoyed their P.E. in the hall with Miss Morrison and Miss Carr. They used the hoops and the footballs and they practiced working with a partner.
Category: Nursery
Paper Plate Shakers
This week the children have made paper plate shakers. This activity took them a couple of sessions to complete, this helps them to understand that not everything is instant! They chose their own colours for painting, mixing colours to make new ones like, pink, purple and orange. They had to fold…
Category: Nursery
Litter picking
We love to help look after our school environment by helping Mr Sandham litter picking.
Category: Reception
Funky Fingers!
Category: Reception