Thank you !

Image of Thank you !

A big thank you for the wonderful cards and gifts , we love and appreciate them and you guys very much :) 

Category: Year 2/3M


Sports day Year 3

Image of Sports day Year 3

The rain held off so we could have our mini sports day ! You were all great sports and I even got to race :) 

Category: Year 2/3M


A great day together !

Image of A great day together !

What a great day we had yesterday ! It was so lovely to see you all again and you were wonderful as always :) I only wish it was for longer ! I’m glad we got to say goodbye before the summer holidays and think about what a wonderful time we have had together in Year 3 ! 

Category: Year 2/3M


Hello Everyone!

Hello Everyone,


We hope you are all well and have enjoyed this week’s home learning about The Gruffalo!
It has been wonderful to welcome some of you back into school, we have really missed you all so very much.


Next week we hope to be seeing many of you on Thursday, all of…

Category: Reception


Sports Day 2020

Image of Sports Day 2020

Category: Year 3K


Sports Day 2020

Image of Sports Day 2020

Category: Year 3K


See you tomorrow!

Image of See you tomorrow!

Hi Y4,

I can’t wait for tomorrow. At the moment 28 of you are coming in which is fantastic, hopefully by tomorrow we’ll have all 30! It will be so good to see you all again and let’s just hope the rain stays away so we can have our sports day with Miss Moran’s class. Whatever happens with the…

Category: Year 3K


Well done lads!

Image of Well done lads!

Sean and Dylan took part in the Trafford Schools Sports Partnership Virtual Sports Day. Great effort lads. Did anyone else participate? If you did and took any pictures why not email them to me.

Category: Year 3K


Nearly There 6J

Image of Nearly There 6J

Hello 6J, 

Don’t give up now...we’re NEARLY THERE!.

The days seem to be passing very quickly for those of us who have been in school and I cannot believe this is our penultimate week of a year none of us could have possibly have imagined. 

I hope your ‘Virtual Sports Day’ has been going…

Category: Year 6J


Hi year 3 :)

Image of Hi year 3 :)


 Hello again Year 3 ! 

How are you all ? I hope you are all keeping happy and well at home?  I have lost track of what week we are on with home learning!!  But I hope you are still managing to do a little and often!  Next week is the last week of home learning as, if we were in school we…

Category: Year 2/3M


Hello Year 6E

Image of Hello Year 6E

Hello 6E,

Hope you are all keeping well. I’m really looking forward to Monday 13th July, when we can finally be a class again. The weather forecast looks good so far..... great for slip and slide!

On the morning of the 13th we are going to share some memories together. Those children who…

Category: Year 6E


Hello Year 5M

Image of Hello Year 5M

Hello Year 5

I hope you have all had a good weekend. On Saturday, it was my sister’s birthday and it was lovely to spend some time with her in the garden. 

A few weeks ago, we planted some vegetables with Lucinda and we’ve been checking them every day to see their progress. I’m pleased (and…

Category: Year 5M