Home Learning note to Parents

Dear Parents/Carers


Last week Mr Mountcastle put a few extra links on the home learning page of our school website. One of them was White Rose maths which has provided daily maths lessons for each year group. This looks good and it provides a worksheet to go with the lesson. I can see that…

Category: Year 1D


Reception Parent Letter

Please click on the link for the letter /files/parent_letterhome1.doc

Category: Reception


A little message to the Reception children

Image of A little message to the Reception children

Hello Children,

We just wanted to say Hello and that we miss you lots.  We really can’t wait to see you all again but we are sure your Mummies and Daddies are just fabulous teachers and that you are having lots of fun at home.  We have put some special Easter activities on the Blog too so maybe…

Category: Reception


Reception Easter Activities

Please click here for the Easter activities /files/HOMELEARNING.pptx

Category: Reception


Letter to Year 2/3

Image of Letter to Year 2/3

Dear Year 2/3,


Hi guys I’m missing you all lots and lots and can’t wait to see you all again soon. Hope you are all ok and taking good care of yourselves.    


While I have been off school I have been painting my house with my husband.  I’ve been baking for my grandparents; I have…


Hello again Year 4/5s

Image of Hello again Year 4/5s

Continued ...

bake Molly a birthday cake. Wish me luck, as I'm not known to be the most talented baker! It usually ends up being a disaster!

I would like to wish all the children who recently had a birthday or whose birthday is coming up in April, a very happy birthday. Enjoy your…

Category: Year 4/5D


Hello Year 4/5s!

Image of Hello Year 4/5s!

Hello to my Year 4/5s

I hope you and your family are well. I know you must be feeling a little fed up not being allowed to do your normal routines but I want to reassure you that everyone feels this way too! However what might help if you haven’t done so already would be to organise and…

Category: Year 4/5D


A letter from me to you 6E

Image of A letter from me to you 6E

Hello 6E,

I can’t believe it’s been over 2 weeks since we were last together. It’s been a very strange time, totally different to life as we know it. I hope you are all adapting well and staying safe. 

I’ve been very busy with my boys, Sam and Thomas, who, like you, are desperately missing…

Category: Year 6E


Letter to 6J

Image of Letter to 6J

Hello again 6J


Things have changed quite a lot since we were all last together, haven’t they? I hope you and your families are staying safe and well and adapting to our new routines. As much as I’ve enjoyed spending quality time with my family, I have REALLY missed us all being together…

Category: Year 6J


Year 3 Parents letter

Image of Year 3 Parents letter

Dear Parents/ Carers

I hope you are all well and enjoying having your little ones at home.  I'm sure they will have shown you what wonderful learners they are and why I love teaching them so much!  Home learning can be hard and I hope you take time for yourselves and make time to spend having…

Category: Year 2/3M


Missing you all !

Image of Missing you all !

Hi guys!  

Hope you are all keeping well, staying safe and having some nice family time:)   When I go into school It's very strange seeing our classroom so bare ! I miss you all, even when your are  noisy in the afternoons :) :)  I can't wait until we are all back together again having fun and…

Category: Year 2/3M


Letter to Year 1S

Image of Letter to Year 1S

Dear Edward, Zarah, Dominik, Caleb, Esme, Ahmad, Theo, Rory, James, Oliver, Freya, Eva, Eoghan, Joseph, David, lily, Freyah, Isabel, Taylon, Harry, Lois, Sara and Alicia!

I can’t wait to see you all again when we are back at school. Mrs White and Mrs Blackwell are looking forward to seeing you…

Category: Year 1S