Our Zoom 3D Printing Session
We were lucky enough to be involved with Renishaw’s online Zoom lesson to introduce us to 3D Printing.
We designed our own fridge magnets using the chrome books and we are just waiting to receive our designs when they have been 3D printed.
Category: Year 6J
Playing Glockenspiels with Mrs Ali
Investigating Area!
This week Year 4 have continued with their investigations of area in lots of different forms.
Well done Year 4
Category: Year 4/5D
Role Model Award
Georgia received a ‘Role Model’ award this week. This was both the easiest and hardest decision! The easiest because she is a fantastic role model in our class. But also the hardest decision as we have so many wonderful role models! But we chose Georgia as she is a consistent excellent role model…
Category: Year 4/5D
Reception Newsletter
Category: Reception
Celebrating Diwali
This week we have learnt all about Diwali. One of our class family told us about her family celebrations, we tasted Indian foods and we had our hands painted with mehndi designs.
Category: Reception
Autumn Walk
Today we went on an Autumn Walk, we looked at the different changes that occur during Autumn. We looked at the different coloured leaves, the bare trees and felt the chilly weather. We used binoculars and magnifying glasses to observe the changes up close.
Category: Reception
Star of the Week
Fantastic Imogen, you are the Star of the Week! You have really worked hard in Maths and trying really hard to keep improving your handwriting✏️⭐️✏️
Category: Year 4/5D
Science- light
We have investigated how light is reflected off surfaces such as mirrors and helps us to see objects. We made our own basic periscope to test it.
Category: Year 2/3M
Investigating light
Today in science we have learnt about reflective surfaces and mirrors and how light is reflected on different surfaces.
Category: Year 2/3M
St Hugh of Lincoln Feast Day
Today we learnt all about St Hugh of Lincoln because today is his feast day. We went to look at the beautiful statue of him outside Church and we said our School Prayer together.
Category: Reception
Anti Bullying Week
This years theme is ‘ united against bullying’
we watched the online assembly together and created posters to spread the important messages!
Category: Year 2/3M