The Beatitudes
We have been discussing and interpreting The Beatitudes and how we can follow these in our everyday lives.
Category: Year 6J
Helpful or Harmful Microorganisms
We’ve been considering the different uses of microorganisms .
Wefoynd out that some are useful like antibiotics and yeast but some are harmful like viruses and mould.
Category: Year 6J
Our Welcome Class Liturgy
Emily and Ruby produced a thought-provoking Welcome Class Liturgy to show how welcoming St Hugh’s is to our newest pupil.
Category: Year 6J
Star of the Week
Daniella works brilliantly in class and is always there to offer help.
Thank you Daniella for being such a good Year 4 pupil.
Category: Year 4/5D
Early number systems - Ancient Civilisations
Year 4 loved learning about the different number systems used by ancient civilisations. Soon Year 4 will be inventing their own number system when creating a new civilisation of their own!
Category: Year 3K
The story of Jacob and Esau
Year 4 worked brilliantly today to perform the story of Jacob and Esau.
Category: Year 4/5D
Spanish: Months of the Year
Category: Year 6J
Connect 3 with Long Multiplication
I’m so impressed with the children in my class- they are doing so well with long multiplication.
Children’s Liturgy
Thank you to Niamh and Georgia for a very peaceful liturgy about friendship. We had time to think about, and reflect on the type of friend we would like to be. Thank you girls.
Category: Year 4/5D
Morning Surprise!
What a surprise it would be if we came downstairs in the morning to an octopus in our sink!
We have been using our inference skills to draw meanings from photos. We had a lovely morning role playing what we would do in this situation. Some groups even rang the F.B.I!!
Well done Year…
Category: Year 4/5D
First ‘Pupil of the Week’
Well done, Owen!
Our FIRST Pupil of the Week this year.
For being the ONLY person to notice Mrs Jones’s ‘deliberate’??? mistake on the Maths display!
Category: Year 6J
Spelling Partners
So very proud of how Y5/6 have so efficiently taken on their new Spelling Partner routine.
We all now have our very own personalised list to learn each week.
Category: Year 6J