Our new house groups!
Today we researched our new house group leaders. It’s been lovely to see the children write so passionately about people they believe to be inspirational.
Category: Year 4/5D
Investigating Mould
Category: Year 6J
Reception Newsletter 23.10.20
Click here for newsletter/files/Copy_of_newsletter_231020.docx
Category: Reception
Negative Numbers
A good start to learning about Negative Numbers playing Tug of War game! One child had to be negative and the other positive. They had to then try to roll the dice and stay on their side of the number line!
Category: Year 4/5D
Star of the Week
Massive well done to Bobby. Every day Bobby goes out of his way to help others and the class teacher. He is so sensible and has really tried to improve his handwriting.
Category: Year 4/5D
Alma Thomas
What a fantastic day learning about Alma Thomas and learning about her style. Year 4 used paints, watercolours, colouring pencils, chalk and felt tips to create their own masterpieces. Well done Year 4!
Category: Year 4/5D
Alma Thomas
Year 4 began their work in Alma Thomas today and started learning about her style. They used different media to help create their designs
Category: Year 4/5D
Children’s Liturgy
Thank you to Isaac and Bobby for leading our liturgy this afternoon on the subject of kindness. The scripture was perfect and we enjoyed watching the Good Samaritan. We reflected on the way we are with each other and we spoke about how we could make people happy through kindness.
Category: Year 4/5D
Ice Wall Experiment
Today we investigated how water can be a solid, liquid and a gas!
Category: Year 4/5D
Repeating Patterns in Reception
We have been learning about repeating patterns this week in reception, today we used 2D shapes!
Category: Reception
Star of the Week
Well done, Harriet!
Our well deserved Star of the Day this week for always going the extra mile in everything she does and for being enthusiastic in all her
Category: Year 6J