All Saints Liturgy
Category: Year 6J
Bonfire Art
Today we collected twigs and used paint and collage materials to make our own bonfires
Category: Year 2/3M
Scratch - animations
In computing we have been learning about coding and writing code for animations. We have finished our story boards and have now started to use scratch to programme our animations. We can’t wait to try them out :)
Category: Year 2/3M
Music with Mrs Ali
Star of the Week
Well done Isaac, you have been amazing this week. I really enjoyed reading your report about your civilisation as you used lots of interesting words and phrases. Such a great imagination!
Category: Year 4/5D
Rhythm Sticks
We have been learning to stay in rhythm with the wooden sticks and reading music with Mrs Ali.
Category: Year 6J
Mouldy Results
We found out :
The warmer and damper the conditions the faster the rate of mould.
Category: Year 6J
The circus
To start our new book ‘ Leon and the place between’ we took a trip to the circus today , we’ll we pretended to:) we used our senses to explore the pop corn , candy and circus music
Category: Year 2/3M
Children’s liturgy
A big thank you to Daniella and Jessica for leading us today in our class liturgy. As October is the month of the Holy Rosary, we looked at what this means to our faith and how people use it to pray. A lovely afternoon liturgy to set us up perfectly for a great restful half term! Thank you for…
Category: Year 4/5D
Pupil of the Week
Well done, Ollie, for your improved attitude.
Category: Year 6J
Making Vegetable Soup
After reading the book ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’ today we made Vegetable Soup! We helped to peel and chop the vegetables. We can talk about which foods help us to grow big and strong!
Category: Reception