Learning about Tens and Ones
Year 1 had a very busy morning learning about tens and ones.
Category: Year 1D
Our Spring Walk
Year 1 had the most amazing Spring Walk. We couldn’t believe how many daffodils and new buds on trees we found, it was wonderful!
Category: Year 1D
Kindness Tree
Year 1 have made a beautiful kindness tree. They have thought about ways everyone can show kindness to each other.
Category: Year 1D
Happy Mothers Day!
I hope you all had a lovely day today!
Category: Year 4/5D
Dance with Miss Fletcher
The children worked on learning a fantastic dance routine today with Miss Fletcher. Well done Year 4!
Category: Year 4/5D
Rock Detectives !
For our science lesson on rocks we investigated and made observations of different types of rocks.
Category: Year 2/3M
Snakes and Ladders
Year 1 had a fantastic maths lesson reinforcing their counting to 50 by playing snakes and ladders.
Category: Year 1D
Kandinsky trees
Today we have been making trees in the style of Kandinsky. We read a lovely book called ‘Felix after the rain’ which prompted us to look at colourful illustrations and art work like we had seen in the book.
Category: Year 4/5D
Planting for Mummy
We planted a bulb for our mummy. This is our present to her for Mother’s Day. Just as she looks after me, we will look after our bulb as it grows into a beautiful flower.
Category: Nursery
Counting Continents
Year 1 counted all the continents and then had to find them on the big map Mrs Atherton brought in. It was really tricky. We used play doh to make the continents, looking carefully to make the shape of the land. It was fun!
Category: Year 1D
Look who Year 1 found!
Year 1 couldn’t believe their eyes when they found footprints and fish that led all the way to Mr Mountcastle’s office. They tiptoed along the corridor and found Mar Mountcastle with a ........ Penguin. The penguin was lost and needed Year 1 to help him.
Category: Year 1D
Painting for Mummy
We looked very carefully at the daffodils to paint a beautiful picture for mummy.
Category: Nursery