Firefighter Doyle Visits
Firefighter Doyle came to visit us today to talk about vocation and commitment for our ‘Belonging’ topic.
Category: Year 6J
Reception Phonics and Early Reading
We have posted 7 videos on Google Classroom explaining phonics and early reading. Please watch these.
Category: Reception
Remembrance Day
We have been learning about Remembrance Day.
We thought of some special prayers, made our own poppies and drew a picture in the style of ‘Banksy’s ‘ hope ‘ street art!
Category: Year 2/3M
Children’s Liturgy
A wonderful Remembrance Day tribute led by Isaac and Blake. Thank you boys.
Category: Year 4/5D
Bonfire Poetry
We’ve had a great week writing Bonfire poems! Well done Year 4! Another wonderful week
Category: Year 4/5D
Chocolate Sparklers!
We made chocolate sparklers to celebrate bonfire night! I’m not sure how many actually got home in one piece, as there were a lot of chocolate smeared faces on the way out of school
Category: Year 4/5D
Class Liturgy led by Isabel and Freya
Star of the Week
Well done, Kardell!
The mature attitude you show makes you an exemplary role model to others.
Category: Year 6J
Science - investigating light
Category: Year 2/3M
All Saints Liturgy
Category: Year 6J
Bonfire Art
Today we collected twigs and used paint and collage materials to make our own bonfires
Category: Year 2/3M
Scratch - animations
In computing we have been learning about coding and writing code for animations. We have finished our story boards and have now started to use scratch to programme our animations. We can’t wait to try them out :)
Category: Year 2/3M