First Day Back Year 4
Working together in partners, Year 4 children had a great time solving the STEM challenge! Mrs Atherton and Mrs Barlow loved listening to and watching the children work together so well!
Category: Year 4/5D
Our first day in Year 3 !
We have had a fabulous first day ! Drawing self portraits, making three digit numbers and writing about our summer holidays
Category: Year 2/3M
Thank you Year 4/5
Thank you so much so all your lovely gifts given to us on Wednesday, we were very spoilt!
It was great seeing you all and getting to chat to you before next year. You all seemed so excited to see each other and it was lovely watching you all have such a fabulous time; even if the sun wasn’t…
Goodbye Year 3
Hi guys :) I can’t believe this is going to be my last blog post to you as your teacher :( I feel so lucky that I got to teach you guys again ! You are all amazing , and I have loved every single minute of being your teacher . I only wish it didn’t have to end :( But I know you will all continue…
Category: Year 2/3M
Category: Year 1D
Sports Day!
Category: Year 1D
Sports Day!
Category: Year 1D
Sports Day!
Category: Year 1D
Happy Days!
Category: Year 4/5D
School’s out for the summer!
Hi Y4,
This is our final blog for the summer! Last quiz question - who sang the title of this blog? It was so good seeing you all last Thursday and getting the chance to say goodbye for the summer. I’ve been so proud of you all, how you have dealt with lockdown. I loved hearing of all the…
Category: Year 3K
Happy Birthday Isabel!
We hope you have a wonderful day on Sunday Isabel!
Category: Year 1S
See you soon Year 1S!
Hi Year 1S
We can’t wait to see you all tomorrow and we are sure that you are all excited to see your friends again. We will have lots of fun! In the afternoon we will have a sports day with Miss Braithwaite’s class and we can have ice pops too. This week we heard from Dominik, you can see his…
Category: Year 1S