First week in Reception!
We have had a fantastic first week exploring our new environments. We have all settled in really well and made lots of new friends! We have been practising our good looking, listening and sitting and our teachers are super proud of us!
Category: Reception
We are developers!
Today in our computing lesson, we researched educational games on the internet. We discussed which we websites we enjoyed playing on, the type of games we like playing and what we would like to work on and develop for our very own maths game. Well done Year 4, we have lots of budding…
Category: Year 4/5D
COVID-19 Confirmed Case
Confirmed Case of COVID-19 in the Before and After School Club
COVID-19 Confirmed Case
Please click here for a letter regarding a confirmed case in Year 3
Category: Year 2/3M
Children’s Liturgy
A huge WELL DONE goes to Ava and Joanna for their lovely liturgy this afternoon. They chose the subject of ‘Love, faith and hope’. Just beautiful, very reflective. Thank you girls :-)
Category: Year 4/5D
DANCE ~ Water, water everywhere!
This afternoon we started our Dance unit all about water! In our groups we made up a UNISON and a CANON routine (two new words for us!) and everyone worked really hard, and had a good time too in the process! Well done Year 4 - we will be on BGT before we know it! :-)
Category: Year 4/5D
Place value and part models in Maths
Category: Year 2/3M
Designing our own civilisations!
In English we have read the book ‘Weslandia’ ’ about a boy who creates his own civilisation. We decided to create our own too!
Category: Year 2/3M
States of Matter
Today we moved around the playground showing how the particles would move in a solid, gas and liquid. Can you remember which picture represents which state?
Category: Year 4/5D
We are computer programmers
We had our first attempt at coding today using scratch to create a character, backdrop and write codes to make them move.
Category: Year 2/3M
We are computer programmers
We had our first attempt at coding today using scratch to create a character, backdrop and write codes to make them move.
Category: Year 2/3M
Counting to 20
Today we sorted pirate objects into groups and counted how many there were. We then discussed the most and the least.
Category: Year 1D