Computing - We are developers!
Over the next few weeks, we are going to develop our own times tables game! Today we did some research on the type of tables games we like. We also discussed what an algorithm is and we did our very own! Watch this space!
Category: Year 4/5D
Star of the Week
Fantastic work and attitude to learning Titus. You really deserve to be the Star of the Week. ⭐️
Category: Year 4/5D
Music with Mrs Ali
Today we had our second music lesson with Mrs Ali. We sang the song ‘Tony Chestnut’ and tapped out the beat with our bells.
Category: Reception
Back in school: COMPUTING
SO VERY WONDERFUL to be back in school and working on our South America Google Slides presentations.
You wouldn’t think this was the first time we had used ‘Slides’.
So proud of everyone using their Google Classroom Logins on the Chrome Books that they were so familiar with after Home…
Category: Year 6J
Learning to play the glockenspiel in music
Category: Year 2/3M
Making skeletons in science
We have learnt the names of the bones that make up our skeletons. We made lovely pictures of our skeletons.
Category: Year 2/3M
Our First Class Picture!
Welcome to Year 4 my fantastic class!
Category: Year 4/5D
Drawing Egyptian Headdresses
Year 4 showed off fantastic art skills today. The task was to copy the headdresses using a range of media.
Category: Year 3K
We miss you Reception!
We are so sorry that we can’t be in school with you all this week but it won’t be long until we are all back together again. In the meantime we have put some nice activities and videos on Google Classroom to keep you busy. (To access Google Classroom the email is your child’s surname and first…
Category: Reception
Star of the Week
Fantastic writing from Niamh. Well done ✏️
Category: Year 4/5D
Reception Newsletter
Please click here for the weekly newsletter /files/newsletter_march_2019.docx
Category: Reception
Children’s Liturgy
We had the most beautiful Liturgy today led by Cole and Isaac. It was about peace (As it’s International Day of peace on Monday). Thank you so much boys. It was just what we needed to reflect and think about current times and our world.
Category: Year 4/5D