Planting Potatoes
As part of our New Life topic we have been thinking about how we care for living things. We have planted our own potato plants and talked about how we look after them so they will grow. We used a special potato bag and covered them in the compost and gave them water. We will taking very special…
Category: Reception
As part of our States of Matter topic, Year 4 investigated the temperatures of different materials around the playground. The blazing sun meant that similar objects had very different results depending where they were.
Category: Year 3K
Year 6 have been bringing up some valuable points for discussion in P4C today.
Category: Year 6E
Gaelic football training
Category: Year 4Mc
Rugby training with Sale Sharks!
What a lovely afternoon to start our rugby training!
Category: Year 3K
Girl's Football
On Monday both girl's football teams played at Lostock College. They ended up playing each other in a thriller. Thankfully it ended up a draw!
Today I was outside with the choir making the most of the sunshine. Brilliant!
EYFS Collective Worship
Today in our collective worship we listened to the story of Mary Magadalene. We used pictures to help us understand the story and think about the good news; "Jesus is alive!" We have been learning a song to celebrate Easter Joy.
Category: Reception
Stations of the Cross
Year six were inspired by Van Gogh, the pictures are now up in the school hall. The children really enjoyed working with the local artist Christine Towers.
Category: Year 6E
Aspects of the Mass.
On Friday Y3 and Y3/4 went over to church as Father Michael wanted to talk to the children about aspects of the Mass. They were very impressed with Father's vestments! Maybe we are looking at a some future priests!
Category: Year 5M
Aspects of the Mass.
On Friday Y3 and Y3/4 went over to church as Father Michael wanted to talk to the children about aspects of the Mass. They were very impressed with Father's vestments! Maybe we are looking at a some future priests!
Category: Year 4Mc
Father Michael explains the Paschal Candle
Today we learnt about the Paschal Candle. Father Michael explained how important the candle is. We learnt about Alpha and Omega and the ancient symbol for Jesus Christ; Chi Rho. We enjoyed listening to Father Michael and then making our own models of the Paschal Candle.
Category: Year 1S