Street Child
Year 5 are really enjoying reading Street Child by Berlie Doherty. They have been finding out all about 'Jim Jarvis' and his unfortunate life in the Victorian era.
Category: Year 6J
Times tables challenge!
Every Wednesday the children will do a 'Times table challenge', they must improve their score and time each week, your child will bring home their results on a Wednesday evening, please practise with them at home, they really enjoy beating the clock and their score!
Category: Year 6E
Year 6 Class reader
This term year 6 will be reading The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas. The children are really enjoying it so far.
Category: Year 6E
The Diary of Anne Frank
As part of our history topic Year 6 are learning about the remarkable story of Anne Frank. They have already produced some fantastic work, which is displayed outside our classroom.
Category: Year 6E
A Tea Party At The Three Bears Cottage
We have a made a chocolate cake for our tea party at the Bears Cottage!
Category: Reception
Getting Messy In The Mud Kitchen!
We have been busy cooking all sorts of wonderful dishes in our Mud Kitchen Cafe! Would you like to try our mud soup?
Category: Reception
The Workhouse
Year 4/5 children are learning about the Victorians. They have been finding out about what it would be like to live in a Workhouse.
Category: Year 5M
Street Child
In our Literacy lessons the children are enjoying reading about Jim, a poor victorian child, who has no one to turn to.
We want to find out if he will ever escape the workhouse!
Category: Year 5M
Purposeful Play In Reception
We have been very busy play learning today in Reception! We used lots of different resources and worked together to build our own train!
We had lots of fun journeys to many different places using our wonderful imaginations!
Category: Reception
Today we have taken part in out first P.E lesson !
We took our shoes and socks off and our jumpers and talked about the important parts of our P.E lessons, like stretches, warm ups, main activity and learning skills and cool down sessions.
We enjoyed learning the bean game and the traffic…
Category: Reception
Welcome Prayer Leaders
Today we welcomed our new Prayer Leaders into Reception. We listened very carefully to how we can listen to God through our prayers and what we do.
Category: Reception
Gaelic is back!
We welcome back Andrew from Lancashire GAA, as he delivers another great Gaelic lesson!
Category: Year 3K