Welcome to the new school year!
Category: Year 3K
Cave Paintings
We used twigs and the paint we made, to create a class painting in the style of the Stone Age tribes, who would have painted stories and messages.
Category: Year 4Mc
Stone Age Paint
We used a pestle and mortar to crush charcoal into a fine powder, once we had done this we added vegetable oil and mixed it to make the paint.
Category: Year 4Mc
The Stone Age
This week Year 3 have been learning all about the Stone Age in history. We have looked at what they lived in, ate, used to fight and the different ways they would communicate with other tribes. We used charcoal to produce our own stone wall markings and messages.
Category: Year 4Mc
Our first wake up shake up !
Having a boogie !!!
Category: Reception
We love our class !
Category: Reception
Our new class !
Look at all the fun we have been having in reception :)
Category: Reception
Happy New (school) Year!
I had a visit today from the new nursery children.
It's really great to be back!
Summer Fun Club Begins
Guerilla Art
For the past two weeks,Year 4 have been looking at Guerilla art, looking at the work of artists such as Banksy and in particular the French artist Invader. They have created mosaics based on 8-Bit characters and I'm sure you'll agree they look fantastic. They should be very proud of themselves…
Category: Year 3K
Just one last picture!!
Just one last picture of my class before they go off to pastures new!
Category: Year 6E
Goodbye Year 6 2015
Goodbye and good luck to an amazing bunch of young people! Go and show them how it's done xxx
Category: Year 6E