Welcome to our guests!
Welcome to our guests from Slovakia! We were amazed as we listened to their fantastic English as they told us about their town and school. We were very jealous as they have a swimming pool in their school! We will have to have a word with Mr Mountcastle :-)
Category: Year 4Mc
Our Slovakian Guests
We were delighted to welcome two Slovakian pupils into our class today. They gave a presentation about their school and the capital city of Bratislava.
Category: Year 6E
Year 3 Marist Trip
We had a lovely day at the Marist centre. I wish we could go every Friday :-)
Category: Year 4Mc
World Book Day!
We had a fabulous day celebrating World Book Day! We wrote sentences about our favourite book character and even wrote our very own story books! We love books in Reception!
Category: Reception
World Book Day
Well done to Year 4 for their fabulous costumes! An extra special Well done to Olivia and Darcy for their very informative book reviews, and to Anjali for her amazing costume!
Category: Year 3K
World Book Day!
Category: Year 6E
World Book Day in Year 1/2
Category: Year 1S
World Book Day!
A fantastic effort made by all today! Well done Year 3!
A special well done to Linus AKA Fantastic Mr Fox for winning the best costume.
And also to Megan and Ruby for very informative book reviews!
Category: Year 4Mc
World Book Day
Great costumes! Well done Year 5!
Category: Year 6J
World Book Day
Batman & Robin. Or is it Del Boy and Rodney?
Fantastic Mr Fox
We have loved reading Fantastic Mr Fox this week!
Category: Year 4Mc
Prayer leaders
Welcome to Jessica and Eloise, our new prayer leaders.
Category: Year 4Mc