Gaelic Football
Year 5 enjoyed their PE lesson today. For the next few weeks the children will learn how to play Gaelic Football.
Category: Year 6J
Mystery Objects Investigation Team
Two mysterious objects have appeared overnight in our school field. A team of Scientists from the University of Manchester have been to school and have asked our children to help them with their investigations. Year 2/3 are currently writing up our reports for them. We will update everyone as soon…
Category: Year 5M
Stop Press! Something Eggstraordinary is happening!
Year Six reporters are currently writing sensational newspaper reports about the strange arrival of the eggs this morning on our school field.
Category: Year 6E
Mission Christmas Appeal!
Yipeeeee! We have our first present for the Christmas Mission Appeal!
Category: Year 4Mc
Our new project - Christmas Mission Appeal
Dear Parents
Thousands of children in poverty will wake up to a Christmas without presents this year. There are a growing number of children in Manchester where Christmas is not a happy time; they don't all wake up to a morning filled with presents and excitement. Save the Children have…
This morning we have been playing with the new Numicon resources. We have been trying to fill the boards with the different shapes.
Category: Reception
Reception newsletter week beg 4th nov
Category: Reception
Den building
Category: Reception
Squelch squerch!
Category: Reception
Our trip to the Meadows
Today some of the children in Reception went to the Meadows where they were pond dipping, building dens and squelching in the mud to name just a few of the things they got up to! We hope to take all the children in the EYFS this year.
Category: Reception
Egg Shell Investigation
In Science we have been looking at teeth. We are doing an investigation in class to see which liquids do damage to our teeth. We are doing this by looking at which liquids do the most damage to eggshells. We have eggs soaking in water, cola, milk, vinegar and orange juice! Each day we are checking…
Category: Year 4Mc
As part of our instruction week, the children are making their own volcanoes. They have been following instructions on how to build a volcano and will be erupting them soon!
Category: Year 6J