Anyone for lunch?
Today's specials in the mud kitchen!
Category: Reception
Here we are having our first Spanish lesson this morning!
Category: Reception
Counting fun in Reception 2
We have been taking turns to dress up as a "Maths Magician" to help with our counting up to 100! Using a number square and some number cards we have counted all the way up to 100 today, well done Reception 2!
Category: Reception
Can you solve it?
This weeks 'Think Friday', proved to be a real challenge for Year 4, as none of the children managed to solve this puzzle!
The objective of the problem was to make the ball miss the goal by moving only two sticks. Can you solve it?
Category: Year 3K
newsletter 11/10
Category: Reception
Walking Bus
Researchers from Salford and Edinburgh Universities joined the Walking Bus to finalise the Walking Bus App they have developed. They filmed the children and parents using the App to track the bus on its route.
The Great Year Six Bake Off
A number of year six children decided to sell cakes to raise money for Cancer Research, they managed to raise a whopping £70.58p today! Well done children!
Category: Year 6E
Maths Outdoors!
This morning we have been practising our subtracting using the 'counting up' method. We decided to make the most of the dry weather and go outside to do it!
Category: Year 4Mc
We are working hard in Phonics!
We are learning to blend the letter sounds to read words, we have been matching the words with a picture and writing the word too!
Category: Reception
We have been learning all about patterns and have been creating our own!
Category: Reception
Our new role play!
We had lots of fun in our new role play police station this morning. It has a police car that we have made with Miss Carr, some great dressing up costumes and even a jail!
Category: Reception
Phonics Treasure Hunt!
Today we went on a phonics treasure hunt in the garden. We had to find the hidden balls that had the letters/sounds that we have learnt on them!
Category: Reception