Printing with Paint
Year 1 enjoyed printing with paint, they used Lego bricks and created different effects by overlapping colours.
Category: Year 1S
Playing and analysing online educational games!
Category: Year 4/5D
Stay and Play
A big Thank You to ALL our parents and grandparents who joined us for Stay and Play on Thursday, the children loved having you in class, we hope you enjoyed it too!
Category: Nursery
Exploring the Digestive System 3
Category: Year 6J
Exploring the Digestive System 2
Category: Year 6J
Exploring the Digestive System 1
We have been understanding the digestive system by making our own model and describing the process.
Category: Year 6J
Multi-faith Week: Islam
Category: Year 4Mc
We are so lucky that Yusuf and Zaynab shared some of their special objects for their Faith Islam !
Category: Year 2/3M
History: Why do we celebrate Bonfire Night?
In 1605 King James 1 said everyone had to go to his church. Year 1 thought about what they could say to try to make him change his mind. Fantastic role play Year 1!
Category: Year 1S
Geography: Which direction did Naughty Bus go in?
We each used a compass to find out which direction Naughty Bus went in our school. We know that to get to the dinner hall Naughty Bus went east and to get to the library Naughty Bus went south.
Category: Year 1S
Geography: Using a Compass
The children in Year 1 each used a compass to explore our school building. When we headed east we arrived at the dinner hall, west took us to Year 6, south was the library and north was the I pad room!
Category: Year 1S
Demonstrating how particles move in solids, liquids and gases!
Category: Year 4Mc