Forest School 24.5.23

Image of Forest School 24.5.23

We were really excited for Forest School this afternoon. Sam Squirrel said we were going to toast marshmallows!

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:14 on 3 June 2023

Category: Nursery


May is the month of Mary

Image of May is the month of Mary

Today we went into church with our school family to share special time together. We all brought flowers to school today and they were put around the statue of Mary. Mary is Jesus’s mother, we all love our mummy’s - just like Jesus did.

Thank you to Mrs Danby who took this photo for…

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:14 on 25 May 2023

Category: Nursery


Susan Laughs

Image of Susan Laughs

Today Mrs Elsey brought Matthew’s spare wheelchair to school for her friend. We asked if we could have a go in it. We each had a turn of being the passenger and the wheelchair assistant. We shared the story “Susan Laughs” about a little girl who is just like us, she is happy, sad, grumpy, loves…

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:14 on 22 May 2023

Category: Nursery


Nursery News 22.5.23

Image of Nursery News 22.5.23

Here is this weeks Nursery News.

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:14 on 21 May 2023

Category: Nursery


Our Tractor

Image of Our Tractor

The children (and Miss Carr), worked very hard this week to turn boxes and crates into a tractor! They did a lot of problem solving, they used different fixers, they talked about shapes, they used the internet to look at real tractors. They thought about size and balance and they had to work out…

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:14 on 18 May 2023

Category: Nursery


Our Tractor

Image of Our Tractor

We all worked together to make our tractor. We decided that we wanted it to be green, just like the one at Smithills Farm.

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:14 on 17 May 2023

Category: Nursery


Water Play

Image of Water Play

We had a great morning playing in the sunshine. We played in the water tray with the gutter pipes, bottles and balls. We found out that the balls moved faster if you poured water down the gutter as you let go of the ball. We were ‘just playing’ but we were also learning about ‘Transporting’ and…

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:14 on 17 May 2023

Category: Nursery


Our Portraits of Mary

Image of Our Portraits of Mary

We looked at our statue of Mary that we have in Nursery, and we tried to paint her picture.  She has a white dress, a blue cloak , a smiley face and some of us noticed that she was standing on a snake. We are saying her special prayer each day. It is called The Hail Mary.

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:14 on 15 May 2023

Category: Nursery


Nursery News 15.5.23

Image of Nursery News 15.5.23

Here is this weeks Nursery News.


Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:14 on 14 May 2023

Category: Nursery


Smithills Farm

Image of Smithills Farm

We had a brilliant day at Smithills Farm, the rain kept away  and the sun shone ! The children were fantastic and they loved being so close  to the animals, they fed goats, sheep, llamas and deers. They stroked an owl, an alpaca and they saw 7 baby emu chicks, they had a very bumpy journey on a…

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:14 on 11 May 2023

Category: Nursery


Forest School 2

Image of Forest School 2

For our second week of Forest school we found natural resources to make a house for the 3 bears!

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:14 on 10 May 2023

Category: Nursery


Forest School 2

Image of Forest School 2

For our second week of Forest school we found natural resources to make a house for the 3 bears!

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:14 on 10 May 2023

Category: Nursery