Eid Mubarak!

Image of Eid Mubarak!

Our friend, Shahida came into nursery and she showed us her hands that have been decorated for Eid. We have made Eid cards and she was very pleased when we gave her hers and we said ‘Eid Mubarak’!

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:16 on 21 April 2023

Category: Nursery


Earth Day 2023

Image of Earth Day 2023

We always celebrate Earth Day in Nursery. This year we shared a story called ‘The Messy Magpie’, he liked to collect lots of things, because he thought they were nice - bottle tops, plastic caps, things that we call rubbish. He realised though that he was damaging the place where he lived. We help…

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:16 on 20 April 2023

Category: Nursery


Our Plants are Growing

Image of Our Plants are Growing

All our plants are growing!!

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:16 on 20 April 2023

Category: Nursery


Exploring Weight

Image of Exploring Weight

This week we have been exploring ‘weight’. We had a super time blowing the feathers which were very light. We had the seesaws in class to see how it went up and down and we had our balance scales and our rocking moon toy out.

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:16 on 18 April 2023

Category: Nursery


Nursery News 17.4.23

Image of Nursery News 17.4.23

Here is this weeks Nursery News. Please note that Parents Evening is on Wednesday 4-7pm, we will put a  list of times in the window for you to sign on Monday.

Thank you.

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:16 on 15 April 2023

Category: Nursery


Meeting Maisie

Image of Meeting Maisie

We have been learning about ‘Growth’. We found out about plants, we talked about animals and we talked about how we have grown. Louis has a baby sister and his mummy brought baby Maisie into nursery to meet us! We have seen Maisie grow from being a brand new baby and we were interested to find out…

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:16 on 6 April 2023

Category: Nursery


Easter Treats

Image of Easter Treats

We made our own Easter Cards and treats to take home to our families. We made crispy cakes and we even made the basket to put it in!

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:16 on 5 April 2023

Category: Nursery


Our Bunny Hop

Image of Our Bunny Hop

On Monday we did our Bunny Hop with the Reception classes. We are helping to raise money for people who need help. It is a good thing to help other people, in nursery we try to be kind to our friends. Thank you to our families who supported us as we raised money for the people in Turkey and Syria…

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:16 on 3 April 2023

Category: Nursery


Nursery News 3.4.23

Image of Nursery News 3.4.23

Here is this weeks Nursery News.

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:16 on 2 April 2023

Category: Nursery


S.T.E.M. Assembly

Image of S.T.E.M. Assembly

We wore our hats when we went into assembly, we even did ‘Wake Up- Shake Up’ in them! The older children told us all about this special week and they even told us that engineers do lots of different jobs!

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:16 on 2 April 2023

Category: Nursery


S.T.E.M. Week!

Image of S.T.E.M. Week!

We celebrated S.T.E.M. Week by making our hats. We have done a lot of science this half term, learning about ‘Growth’. We had the chicks and we have planted different flowers and even potatoes. We talked about our hats to each other. 

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:16 on 2 April 2023

Category: Nursery


Our Easter Garden

Image of Our Easter Garden

We have made an Easter Garden to help us think about Jesus and the Easter Story.

Posted by /blog/author/nursery/page:16 on 2 April 2023

Category: Nursery