Nursery News 3.4.23
Here is this weeks Nursery News.
Category: Nursery
S.T.E.M. Assembly
We wore our hats when we went into assembly, we even did ‘Wake Up- Shake Up’ in them! The older children told us all about this special week and they even told us that engineers do lots of different jobs!
Category: Nursery
S.T.E.M. Week!
We celebrated S.T.E.M. Week by making our hats. We have done a lot of science this half term, learning about ‘Growth’. We had the chicks and we have planted different flowers and even potatoes. We talked about our hats to each other.
Category: Nursery
Our Easter Garden
We have made an Easter Garden to help us think about Jesus and the Easter Story.
Category: Nursery
Easter Surprises
This week we have been working very hard to make a special present for our families. We have had to show fantastic concentration, brilliant hand/eye co-ordination and great listening to make this for you, our teachers said we have all been amazing!
Category: Nursery
Should we love our enemies?
In religion we debated the question -‘Should we love our enemies?’
Category: Year 4Mc
Solving number problems!
Category: Year 4Mc
Mathematical problem-solving!
Category: Year 4Mc
An Exploding Volcano STEM Hat!
Category: Year 4Mc
Our Creative STEM Hats
A huge well done to year 3/4 for your extremely creative STEM hats. They are all amazing and I am so proud of all your dedication and hard work!
Category: Year 4Mc
STEM hats
Category: Year 2DB
STEM hats
Category: Year 2DB