Maya Traders
We have carefully considered the different types of landscapes in the Maya Empire. Each region had different climates and so produced valuable goods to trade from their regions and needed goods from the other regions.
Today we have been in groups trading in goods from our different regions.…
Category: Year 6J
What makes a good friend?
Year 6 have been deciding what makes a good friend. They looked at various scenarios and discussed whether it was a good sign, a warning sign or a bad sign in a friendship.
Category: Year 6E
Today is Ash Wednesday
Today is a special day, it is Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. Mr Smith came to our class to give us our ashes. We have said sorry for the times we have done wrong and we are all going to try hard to be more like Jesus.
Category: Reception
Ash Wednesday
Today we celebrated Ash Wednesday. Mr Smith gave us our ashes in class, it was very special.
Category: Year 1D
Ash Wednesday
Today we celebrated Ash Wednesday during a special class liturgy.
Category: Year 1D
Our new Farm Shop!
Thank you to our Governor Mrs Reyes who came in to play with us in our new Farm Shop this morning!
Category: Reception
Nourishing Friendships
We have been discussing what helps a friendship grow and what can spoil a friendship. We sorted statements about friendships into healthy friendships, warning signs of a not a healthy friendship and definitely not a healthy friendship.
We were very good at recognising friendships that are built…
Category: Year 6J
We Have Post!
We had some special post! It was a Valentines card from our friend Henry! It was Henry’s birthday on Sunday so we are making him a birthday card to help him celebrate!
Category: Nursery
Shrove Tuesday
Category: Reception
Religion, stories from the Bible.
Category: Year 2DB
Investigating how sound travels over a distance using a string telephone
Category: Year 4Mc
African Lullabies
We were fantastic today in Music playing our percussion instruments to African Lullabies!
Category: Reception