1st Week of Advent Class Liturgy
A wonderful Class Advent Liturgy from Kardell, TK and Ruby today.
A beautiful song too.
Category: Year 6J
NHS Decorations
We have been like little Elves this week making laminated decorations for HDU at Tameside Hospital. Due to the current COVID situation, they are not allowed to put up any Christmas decorations, only laminated pictures. So we are sending some Christmas cheer in any way we can under such different…
Category: Year 4/5D
Year 4 are learning about mummification and how the Ancient Egyptians preserved bodies.
To test this process, Year 4 followed instructions, making their own natron and mummified fruit using salt and bicarbonate of soda.
Category: Year 4/5D
Star of the Week
Fantastic Harley, you are my Star of the Week. You deserve this award so much Harley for all your hard work. You are really working hard with your handwriting, a pleasure to have in class and you are a good friend to everyone!
Category: Year 4/5D
Investigating shadows
We have investigated how shadows change shape with distance from the light source.
Category: Year 2/3M
Let’s take an ‘elfie’
Enjoying our new door display !
Category: Year 2/3M
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas
We have decorated our class tree with our special baubles from home. It looks beautiful:)
Category: Year 2/3M
We have been learning about Islam
Hibbah shared some her religious objects with us, Hibbah talked about her head dress, prayer beads and prayer mat. We also shared some stories about Eid and Ramadam.
Category: Reception
She’s up!
We just couldn’t resist any longer! Thank goodness for Mrs Barlow and her decorating skills!
Category: Year 4/5D
Advent Liturgy
A huge thank you to Aamiyah and Lily for the most beautiful Advent Liturgy. It really got us all in the mood for thinking about the real meaning of Christmas. They shared with us a beautiful prayer, a thoughtful reading and we sang one of my favourite carols Silent Night. We also all helped to put…
Category: Year 4/5D
Art: Sketching
Some fantastic sketches of the plants in our school grounds in preparation for drawing in the style of Henry Rousseau.
Category: Year 6J
Science - shadows
We made shadow models !
Category: Year 2/3M