Viking Brooches
Year 3 have been design their very own Viking Brooches, we have learnt that they were used for fastening their clothes together. They were also a piece of decorative jewllery.
Category: Year 4Mc
This week Year 3 have been learning how to do fractions, using pictures of pizza slices.
Category: Year 4Mc
Percy Jackson
As part of our Literacy learning about myths and legends, we are beginning to read Percy Jackson. It also links with our Ancient Greece topic.
Category: Year 5M
Star of the Day
Well done, Preston. Chosen today, by Mr Broomhead, as our Star of the Day.
Category: Year 6J
Testing solubility
Fabulous experimenting with Mr Broomhead in Science today.
Category: Year 6J
Well done to Ailin and Anjali who played solos in this afternoon's violin concert.
We now know how hard you have been working in your violin lessons.
Category: Year 6J
Support For Spelling
Today year 3 have been playing a word class game, discussing adverbs, pronouns, determiners, adjectives, nouns and verbs.
Category: Year 4Mc
Role on the Wall
Today Year 1 were thinking of adjectives to describe The Lonely Beast. They worked really well in their groups and came up with lots of words to describe him like worried, brave, quiet, unhappy and tearful.
Category: Year 1S
3D Shapes in a Year 2D
Year 2D have been making 3D shapes. Here are two triangular prisms!
Read for My School
Year 4/5 are beginning this competition. Get reading!
Category: Year 5M
Star of the Day
Without doubt our Star of the Day today, Harry!
For sharing your expertise and being so focussed.
Category: Year 6J
Producing Leaflets
We've been busy using the IPads today to produce our own Ancient Greek leaflets.
We have been particularly good at sharing our expertise.
Can't wait to see the final results!
Category: Year 6J