Well done Year 4/5 for your eggsellent designs! They were Eggsactly what I was looking for!
Category: Year 5M
Easter preparations !
Today we have been baking ! We have made chocolate and syrup nest cakes for Easter ! Yum Yum !
Category: Reception
A 'cracking' effort from everyone !
Look how fantastic our decorated eggs look for the Easter competition !
Good luck to all of you we love them all :)
Category: Reception
Spring Gardening
We have started planting outside our classroom.
Category: Year 5M
Fundraising for Cafod
Children in Year 4/5 wanted to fundraise for Cafod. Well done!
Category: Year 5M
Easter Performance
Well done Year 4 and Year 3 on a very moving Easter performance
Category: Year 5M
MUFC Football Festival
Some of the children in Year 2 had a great day out today at the cliff training facilities, learning lots of new skills and techniques!
Category: Year 2DB
The Trojan War
Year 4/5 along with Year 5 took part in a fantastic re-enactment of the Trojan War.
Category: Year 5M
Stations of the Cross
Year 5 and 6 have been reflecting on the Stations of the Cross with Father Michael.
Category: Year 6J
The Trojan War Comes to St Hughs
A fabulous Trojan War re-enactment with Year 4/5 and 5 walking in the footsteps of the Ancient Greeks and the Trojans.
Category: Year 6J
You're a poet and you didn't know it!!
Poet Andy Tooze visited our class on Tuesday and Y4 wrote some fantastic poems all about friends. He gave the children some great ideas and tips for writing poetry.
Category: Year 3K
We are Poets!
Today a poet called Andy Tooze helped us to write our own poetry. He gave us lots of tips to help us become better poets.
Category: Year 1S