World Book Day
Fantastic costumes and a fabulous day! Well done Year 4/5, you looked great!
Category: Year 5M
Cookery Club
For our first Cookery Club we made delicious fruit kebabs, a yummy, yet healthy treat :)
Category: Year 4Mc
Parachute Play
We had great fun in P.E. today playing games with the parachute! We had to listen very carefully to the instructions and work together as a team.
Category: Reception
Mamma Mia!
An amazing performance by Year 4, as they paid tribute to one of the greatest pop bands of all time, when they sang Mamma Mia in Friday's assembly.
Category: Year 3K
Hate Crime
Year 6 have been taking part in a Hate Crime workshop for the last three weeks, they have been learning about the consequences of Hate Crime and other types of Anti- Social Behaviour. They have also been learning about not judging people by the way that they look.
Category: Year 6E
3 Little Birds - Bob Marley
What a fantastic performance from Year 3, singing 3 Little Birds by Bob Marley.
Category: Year 4Mc
Celebration of Music Assembly
Reception sang "Boom Boom Chicka Boom!" For everyone in assembly this afternoon as part of our celebration of music! Well done everyone!
Category: Reception
World Book Day
We had a brilliant World Book Day yesterday. All the children looked fantastic!!!
Category: Year 2DB
Living on a Prayer!
A fantastic performance by Year 6. The children really enjoyed learning 'Living on a Prayer' by Bon Jovi.
Category: Year 6E
Snow day !
Having fun in the snow !
Category: Reception
World Book Day 2016!
Another fantastic effort from all the children for World Book Day 2016, as they dressed as one of their favourite book characters. Can you recognise who they are? Well done everyone!
Category: Year 3K
World Book Day
All the children looked fantastic today, dressed as their favourite book character.
Category: Year 1S