Y5 Mass
Well done to Year 5 for a very thought provoking Mass!
Category: Year 6J
Investigating Volume
Year 6 were investigating different cuboids with the same volume in maths today.
Category: Year 6E
Toy Library
Nursery are going on the minibus to the Toy Library. We see all very excited!
Meet our Visitor
In literacy, year 3 have been reading the story of the, 'Tin Forest.' We created this lifesize puppet of the main character ( he is very realistic!) The children used paper mâché to make the puppets head and stuffed lots of newspaper into tights to make his body.…
Category: Year 4Mc
Measuring with Year 2
We even work on non uniform day.
Doubling and halving
Category: Year 2DB
Year 6 have been out and about learning the rules of the road today!
Category: Year 6E
Year 4 Assembly
Thank you to Year 4S for a fabulous Remembrance Assembly. Very respectful, a great way to remember.
We remember them
We have written prayers for the fallen soldiers
Category: Reception
Remembrance Day
We chose to cut out some poppies to wear to help us to remember !
Category: Reception
Remembrance Day
We used our fingers to decorate our large poppy !
Category: Reception
Science in the Dark
Year 6 really enjoyed their science lesson with Mr. Broomhead today, they were investigating shadows.
Category: Year 6E