Home Learning Resources
Hello Y6,
Hope you have had a safe week with your families and are beginning to appreciate some of the new the Lockdown rules. By now, hopefully you are back into your home learning routines and are well on your way with the completion of the planning for week 10.
The staff at school…
Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:31 on 15 June 2020
Category: Year 6J
Letter to Year 5M
Hello again Year 5!
How are you? I hope you’ve had a chance to relax a bit over the holiday.
I spent time catching up on jobs in the house (not my favourite thing) like decluttering and sorting. Lucinda has grown so much recently we’ve now got lots of bags of clothes ready to give to…
Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:31 on 9 June 2020
Category: Year 5M
Small Steps
Hello my Year 6 lovelies,
I hope you have all been able to have some sort of change from your usual routines this past week and been able to enjoy something slightly different with your families.
Despite putting it off for quite sometime, I have been doing a lot of gardening. I’m…
Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:31 on 9 June 2020
Category: Year 6J
Hi Year 5
Hi Year 5
I hope you are all enjoying your holiday! What have you been doing? We are certainly lucky with the weather at the moment. My husband and I have been in the garden as much as possible playing tennis and other games with Lucinda, who is also refining her skipping and hoola hooping…
Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:31 on 1 June 2020
Category: Year 5M
‘Go Big’ Year 6
Hello Year 6,
I hope you have been able to get a break from your online studies last week?
Maybe some of you have not put your alarms on and stayed in bed a little bit longer than you did when it was term time and felt like you have had a break from your new norm? It’s been a fantastic…
Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:31 on 1 June 2020
Category: Year 6J
Letter to Year 5
Hello Year 5!
How are you? I hope you all had a good weekend. On Saturday, we made some video calls to family and friends. It was great to see them and chat with them about what they’re doing and how they are. Next weekend we’re going to have a quiz and each member of the family has to make up…
Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:31 on 18 May 2020
Category: Year 5M
Letter to Everyone
Hello my lovelies,
These weeks seem to be passing so quickly and as they do i’m missing all of you even more each week and need our school routines back!
I think it’s the beginning of week 8 or 9!!! What I do know is that in ordinary times, this would be the week that I know SO many of…
Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:31 on 18 May 2020
Category: Year 6J
Hello everyone
Hello Year 5, I hope you have all had a good week.
Did you enjoy the VE Day celebrations on Friday? We decorated the front of our house with bunting that Lucinda made and watched all the special programmes on tv. As the weather was so lovely, we also decided to have a barbecue which we really…
Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:31 on 11 May 2020
Category: Year 5M
Bitesize Schedule 11-15th May
Please check out Week 8 on the Home Learning Page but if you would like something extra, please have a look at the BBC Bitesize lessons too.
Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:31 on 11 May 2020
Category: Year 6J
SATs Week
To 6J,
As SATs week arrives, it’s not quite the same,
The tests that were printed this year never came,
The displays all still up; walls full of Maths ‘rules’,
But Year 6 very different, at present, in schools.
For some of you, happiness, lots of relief,
For others a…
Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:31 on 11 May 2020
Category: Year 6J
BBC Bitesize Lessons Schedule Week 4th-8th May
Remember no lessons on Friday - it’s a Bank Holiday!
So work hard till then and enjoy the celebrations .
Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:31 on 4 May 2020
Category: Year 6J
Celebrations - but not as we know it!
Hello again, Y6.
I hope you have all been able to stay well and safe again as we start another week missing each other. However, I can see a glimmer of light towards the end of our lockdown journey and I know it won’t be long now until we will be able to return to school, see our friends and…
Posted by /blog/author/year5/page:31 on 4 May 2020
Category: Year 6J